Country Guide: Slovenia
Due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and restrictions in various countries, the below information may not be accurate. This pandemic is a fluid situation. Check with authorities for local laws and restrictions concerning movements.

Updated: May 16, 2017
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
- Passport
- Owner of the goods’ Slovenian tax number
- Diplomatic identification (diplomats)
- Residence registration in Slovenia
- Inventory (Slovenian or English)
- Statement signed by the owner of the goods confirming residence in Slovenia (EU citizens) Letter from previous employer or statement letter issued by local Slovenian embassy (EU citizens)
- Slovenian ID (non-EU citizens)
- Employment letter from Slovenian employer (non-EU citizens)
- Statement issued by owner of the goods’ embassy state nature, purpose, and value of the goods (diplomats).
- Tax and duty exemption certificate (issued by Slovenian Ministry of Finance) (diplomats)
Specific Information
- Statement signed by the owner of the goods confirming residence in Slovenia must also state that the goods are in the possession of the owner of the goods and used for more than 6 months.
- Furthermore, that the owner of the goods did not import anything under tax / duty exemption.
- Statement issued by local Slovenian embassy must state that the owner of the goods lived outside of the EU for more than 12 months.
- Letters from previous employers as an alternative can state that the owner of the goods lived abroad for more than 12 months.
- Slovenian and other EU citizens who have lived outside the EU longer than 12 months and are relocating to Slovenia are permitted to import used household goods and personal effects, car, motorbike, boat, camp trailer, airplane, pets, and horse without paying import Customs duties and tax (VAT) assuming these taxes were paid upon purchase of the item in origin country.
- There is no limit in value of goods to be imported.
- Goods must be imported within 12 months after the date of Registration of Residence in Slovenia.
- All goods intended for import into Slovenia must be declared at the time of first import.
- Same conditions apply to non-EU citizens except ‘Proof of living outside EU less than 12 months’ is not applicable.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Owner of the goods’ passport or diplomatic ID
- Title / registration
- Original bill of lading
- Purchase invoice
- Vehicle documents from country of purchase or export
- Statement with car details
Specific Information
- Statement with car details must include:
- Present registration plate number, country of registration, brand, model, VIN number, motor type number, kilometers driven, color, ccm, kW, etc.
- The tax on motor vehicles (DMV) depends on the type of fuel, engine power, CO2 emission and varies between 0.5% and 52% of the value of the vehicle.
- The tax on motorcycles depends on the engine power and varies from 1.5%-5% of the value of the motorcycle.
Documents Required
- Vaccination record
- Veterinary / international health certificate
- Microchip (or tattoo)
- International CITES certificate
Specific Information
- International health certificate and identification must be presented when entering Slovenia.
- International CITES certificate allowing exportation from the origin country must accompany the import of protected wild animal species, trophies, and products produced from these animals.
- Pets must be fitted with an electronic identifying device.
IAM Note: Contact destination agent for specific requirements as the import documentation depends on the kind of animal.
Antiques, Artifacts, Carpets, Paintings
- An import permit issued by the Cultural Ministry is required for antiques and artwork.
- Export certificate issued by Slovenian Ministry of Culture is required.
Wedding Trousseau / Gifts
- A passport, detailed inventory, certificate of marriage, and residence registration are required for wedding trousseaux.
- A death certificate, copy of a will or statement from a court, and the beneficiary’s tax ID number are required to accept inheritance.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- A purchase invoice is required for new items which are subject to Customs duties and value added tax (VAT) of approximately 20%.
- An import permit and gun & hunting license are required for arms and ammunition; these items must be declared separately and a special inspection is required.
- All arms, guns, and ammunition must be listed on an inventory and declared to the border police.
- Only arms for which the owner of the goods possesses a valid license can be imported.
- An inventory of beverages with description must be included and duties / taxes are applicable.
- Alcohol / tobacco / food items cannot be imported as part of the household goods shipment.
- Phytosanitary certificate is required when importing or exporting plants.
- Phytosanitary inspection will be done before Customs clearance.
Prohibited Items
- Import and export of narcotics is prohibited.
- Drugs for personal use if these are used as medicines are allowed.
- Medical certificate proving the right of use must be presented.
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.