Country Guide: Angola
Due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and restrictions in various countries, the below information may not be accurate. This pandemic is a fluid situation. Check with authorities for local laws and restrictions concerning movements.

Updated: June 21, 2018
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
Returning Citizens (including returning Angolan Diplomats)
- Copy of passport.
- Copy of visas at Origin (residence visa, work visa, student visa, Diplomatic Card), and/or copy of Angolan Consulate registration card at origin.
- Copy of assignees Angolan Tax Card (Cartão de Contribuinte), duly updated at relevant authorities.
- A signed/dated valued inventory list (in USD) of the goods being imported, confirming if items are second hand or new.
- 2x Original Bills of Lading or Original AWB.
- Original CNCA (Loading certificate) for sea shipments.
- Packing list in Portuguese
- When applicable, original Declaration from employer in Angola stating position of assignee, length of the overseas assignment.
- If client is a returning Angolan Diplomat, original Declaration from Diplomatic Mission at origin confirming length of assignment abroad, and value of goods being shipped to Angola.
Foreign Diplomats
- Copy of Diplomatic passport.
- Copy of Angolan Diplomatic ID.
- Copy of assignees Angolan Tax Card (Cartão de Contribuinte), duly updated at relevant Angolan authorities.
- A signed/dated valued inventory list (in USD) of the goods being imported.
- Original Nota Verbal and Declaration from MIREX (exemption documents), prepared by the Diplomatic mission in Angola.
- 3x Original Bills of Lading or Original AWB.
- Original CNCA (Loading certificate) for sea shipments
- Packing list in Portuguese
- Copy of passport.
- Copy of Angolan Work visa or Ministry “parecer”.
- Copy of assignees Angolan Company Tax Card (Cartão de Contribuinte), duly updated at Angolan relevant authorities.
- A signed/dated valued inventory list (in USD) of the goods being imported, confirming if items are second hand or new.
- 2x Original Bills of Lading or Original AWB.
- Original CNCA (Loading certificate) for sea shipments.
- Packing list in Portuguese
Specific Information
- A pre-inspection in the country of origin is required regardless of the cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value for tobacco, drinks, plants, chemical products, toys, motorbikes, used cars, bicycles, and food items; however, if the owner of the goods is entitled to an exemption (diplomats), a pre-inspection is not required even if the above mentioned items are imported.
- All electrical appliances, equipment, and bicycles, markings and brand name must be shown on the pro-forma invoice.
- The CIF value should not be beyond USD 10,000.000 a CIF value beyond USD 10,000.00 will be subject to a 2% tax to be paid to Customs authorities for diplomatic or non-diplomatic shipments.
- Cartao de contribuinte can only be obtained after the owner of the goods has obtained his work permit.
- On the CNCA certificate for all sea / freight, imports, sea freight should be mentioned on it at cost).
- Shipments containing bicycles, motorbikes, chemical products, toys, second-hand vehicles, plants, food, and beverages are subject to inspection in the origin country; Customs will charge a fine of 100% of the CIF value if the necessary procedures have not been followed.
- The pro-forma invoice must include the quantity, description, value, and condition (used or new) for all items.
- It must also include the CIF value (e.g., FOB, freight and insurance).
- The pro-forma invoice must be on the letterhead of the origin agent, stamped, and signed and with the owner of the goods and consignee with details clearly noted.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Copy of entry visa
- Declaration of value signed by the owner of the goods
- Copy of plane ticket with valid return flight
- Letter of employment (must identify the name, job title, and company of person who will receive the vehicle as employed by the company
- Packing list in Portuguese or in English
- Original documents for the vehicle
- Importer’s taxation number (importation license)
- Copy of Cartao de contribuinte (delivered by the Ministry of Finance)
Specific Information
- Vehicles should be shipped in a container separate from household goods.
- Vehicles older than 3 years (from date of manufacture to date of entry in Angola) can be imported into Angola, except for diplomatic moves.
- VERITAS visit is compulsory before shipping whatever the CIF value is:
- For the import of car for companies, an import license is needed.
- For the import of car for private use, see the requirements for temporary and definitive imports below:
- Temporary Import:
- The vehicle can stay in Angola for 2 years with a possible one-year extension.
- A bond deposit of 40-45% of CIF value is required.
- Definitive Import:
- Requires 40-45% tax based on CIF value.
- Import taxes on all vehicles (except pick up with 5% tax) is 10% plus VAT which ranges as follows:
- Gasoline engine
- Up to 1500 cc: 10%
- 1500 to 3000 cc: 20%
- Over 2500 cc: 30%
- Diesel engine
- 1500 to 2500 cc: 20%
- Over 25600 cc: 30%
- Diplomatic shipments containing vehicles are not subjected to PSI since they are cleared with a diplomatic franchise at destination.
- Customs clearance should begin as soon as the shipment arrives in Luanda; any late clearance (that is beyond the 30th day following the arrival date) due to lack of required documentation will be fined with 5% based on the CIF value.
- Clearance on a diplomatic shipment begins when the franchise is received, which can take more than 2 weeks to be issued; non-diplomatic shipments require that all paperwork is in order.
Documents Required
- Vaccination record
- Veterinarian health certificate
Specific Information
- Documents must accompany imported animals.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- Firearms, ammunitions, and other deadly weapons (permission from the Ministry of Interior is required)
- Fireworks and explosives (authorization from the Ministry of Interior required)
Prohibited Items
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Plant and plant materials
- Gold
- Jewelry
- Pornographic materials
- Counterfeit items
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.