Country Guide: Jordan
Due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and restrictions in various countries, the below information may not be accurate. This pandemic is a fluid situation. Check with authorities for local laws and restrictions concerning movements.

Updated: July 03, 2017
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
- Copy of passport showing national identification (ID) / residence permit showing time abroad for a minimum of 12 months (returning citizens)
- Original bill of lading (OBL) / air waybill (AWB)
- Registration certificate (foreigners seeking exemption)
- Packing list
- Authorization letter
- Tax ID No. from the local Jordanian income tax department
Specific Information
- Owner of the goods must be present at the time of clearance at Amman Customs.
- For returning nationals:
- Documents other than the residence permit that may prove time abroad include:
- Original passport that carries the residency abroad
- Original passport that carries the entry stamp in to Jordan
- Family marriage book (married / families)
- Lease agreement / certificate of ownership certified by the Greater Amman Municipality
- Documents other than the residence permit that may prove time abroad include:
- For foreigners, if the name of the owner of the goods is on the office registration certificate at the Ministry of Trade and Commerce (usually the person is the acting manager with signature authority), then the goods are exempt from Customs duties.
- Again, the exemption applies if the household goods and personal effects are used and not new.
- If the owner of the goods’ name is not mentioned on the office registration certificate, but is an employee of a company, then a request from Customs, along with the shipping document and packing list requesting approval to exempt the shipment from Customs duties and taxes.
- Diplomats must be in Jordan prior to arrival of the shipment and must register with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through their Embassy for approval to import household goods and motor vehicles duty free.
- A returning Jordanian is not exempted from Customs, Duties, & Taxes for shipments coming from the same country more than once, regardless of how many years have passed since he/she used his/her exemption privilege.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Temporary entry permit
- Vehicle registration / title
Specific Information
- Passenger vehicles operating on diesel are not allowed in Jordan.
- Vehicles older than 5 years are not allowed for permanent entry.
- Tinted windows are not allowed for permanent entry.
- Returning citizens or foreigners with valid license plates may obtain a temporary entry permit under the following conditions:
- The temporary entry permit is required for vehicle clearance and permits the shipper to drive using its origin country license plates and registration for 3 months; the permit is renewable for 3 additional months.
- The vehicle must be licensed in the country of origin and carrying metal plates.
- The registration with the department of motor vehicles must be valid for at least 6 months.
- After 6 months, the vehicle must be transported to the Zarqa Free Zone where the owner of the goods must pay duties and obtain Jordanian license plates, re-export the vehicle out of Jordan or sell it duty free.
- To obtain permanent entry, the following conditions must be met:
- Used vehicles into Jordan must be transported to the Zarqa Free Zone in order to be tested by the Bureau to determine eligibility to enter the country as per specifications of the Jordanian Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Licensing.
- Vehicles must pass a test; otherwise, recommended modifications / alterations must be made by the Bureau to meet required country specifications.
- The owner of the vehicle is responsible for all costs, including transport from the point of entry (POE) to the Zarqa Free Zone under a bank guarantee of the freight forwarding / clearing agent.
- Once the vehicle is tested and approved, the clearing agent will arrange to clear the vehicle from the Free Zone Customs for licensing before it is delivered to the owner of the vehicle.
- Vehicles of diplomatic organizations in the country are exempted from paying Customs duties and taxes; the exemption must be applied for through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Diplomats).
- Vehicles imported under temporary entry must be guaranteed by the office through posting a bank guarantee with the Directorate of Customs Department in the amount of the exact Customs duties and taxes.
- Once the vehicles are re-exported out of the country, an application must be made by the regional office accompanied with the finalized re-export Customs form to the Directorate to cancel and return the bank guarantee in order to close the official files under which the vehicle was entered into the country.
Documents Required
- Vaccination record
- Veterinary health certificate
Specific Information
- Permission is required for the import of birds by the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- Weapons (permission from the Ministry of the Interior / Public Security Directorate is required)
- Firearms and ammunition (permission from the Ministry of the Interior / Public Security Directorate is required)
- Fresh meat and milk products (a permit from the Ministry of Agriculture is required)
- Fresh fruit and vegetables (permission from the Agricultural Marketing Corporation is required)
Prohibited Items
- Weapons & ammunition
- Drugs & narcotics
- Alcohol (2L)
- Wireless equipment (approval from the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission is required):
- CBs
- Walkie-talkies
- Israeli currency
- All video tapes, cassettes, CD’s & printed materials (subject to inspection by the Department of Media Censorship)
- Counterfeit goods
- Pornographic materials
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.