Country Guide: Slovakia
Due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and restrictions in various countries, the below information may not be accurate. This pandemic is a fluid situation. Check with authorities for local laws and restrictions concerning movements.

Updated: November 18, 2016
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
- Detailed valued inventory list in Slovak and English, dated, and signed by the owner of the goods
- Copy of passport
- Customs declaration form (power of attorney)
- Sworn statement
- Original bill of lading (OBL) or sea waybill (SWB) / air waybill (AWB) / contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR)
- List of electronic items with serial numbers
- Slovak residence permit or application / bank guarantee / cash deposit (foreign citizens / EU citizens)
- Letter of employment (must include the owner of the goods date of birth and passport number) (foreign citizens / EU citizens)
- Lease agreement notarized original and 1 notarized copy of the original (foreign citizens / EU citizens)
- Accreditation card (from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) or confirmation from the embassy of accreditation (diplomats)
- Slovak identification card (returning citizens)
- Confirmation letter that the owner of the goods worked / stayed out of the EU for more than 12 months (returning citizens)
Specific Information
- Detailed inventory list must include the brand name and the serial numbers of electronic items.
- The letter of employment must include a statement that the employer will pay any duties or taxes for the owner of the goods, if applicable.
- For the owner of a private company or a self-employed owner of the goods, the company must be registered.
- Household goods and personal effects may be imported duty and tax free if the following conditions are met:
- The goods have to have been used for a minimum of 6 months.
- The goods may not be sold and may only be used for the owner of the goods’ own purposes during the period stated by the Customs office (12 months).
- The owner of the goods must have lived abroad for more than 12 months prior to entry into Slovakia.
- Household goods and personal effects must be imported within 6 months after the owner of the goods’ arrival date.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Technical license
- Original purchase invoice
- Restrictions of the car (measurements, fuel, dimension of the tires, etc.)
Specific Information
- Motor vehicles must have been used as a personal vehicle in the country of origin for a minimum of 6 months.
- Motor vehicles must be unregistered and have a technical license.
Documents Required
- Vaccination record
- Veterinary health certificate
Specific Information
- Pets must be identifiable through tattoo or an electronic identification system (e.g., microchip).
- Pets are examined upon arrival.
- The station manager of the transporting airline in Slovakia must be notified at least 24 hours prior to arrival of the animal.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- Free import applies when traveling within the European Union; however, Customs is likely to investigate when bringing more than the following quantities into Slovakia:
- Cigarettes (800), cigarillos (400 or 3 g each), cigars (200), smoking tobacco (1 kg)
- Alcoholic beverages over 22% (10 L), less than 22% (20 L), beer (110 L), wine (90 L but no more than 60 L of sparkling wine)
- Persons over 17 years old traveling from outside the European Union into Slovakia, may import the following items free in personal luggage and within the limits indicated:
- Cigarettes (200), cigarillos (100), cigars (50), smoking tobacco (250 g)
- Alcohol not exceeding 22% volume (2 L), alcohol exceeding 22% volume or denatured ethyl alcohol 80% volume and higher (1 L),beer (16 L) wine (4 L)
Prohibited Items
- Drugs
- Commercial vehicles
- Protected species and products thereof as listed by the Washington Convention (CITES), such as ivory, tortoise shells, coral, reptile skins, etc.
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.