Country Guide: Malaysia
Due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and restrictions in various countries, the below information may not be accurate. This pandemic is a fluid situation. Check with authorities for local laws and restrictions concerning movements.

Updated: August 25, 2016
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
- Passport
- Detailed inventory in English, dated and signed by the owner of the goods
- Copy of bill of lading (OBL) / air waybill (AWB)
- Full contact information of the owner of the goods in Malaysia
- Letter of employment / copy of work permit
- Copy of Malaysian ID (returning citizens)
- List of electrical items
- Diplomatic exemption letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (obtained by the Embassy - diplomats)
Specific Information
- The owner of the goods must be present in the country when the goods are being imported
- All shipments are subject to Customs examination
- ISPM 15 fumigation is required for all wooden packaging materials at origin country prior to import.
- All used household goods and personal effects used and owned by the owner of the goods for more than 6 months may be imported into Malaysia duty free.
- Items less than 6 months old are subject to Customs duties and taxes.
- Some entry ports in Malaysia may require an electrical board permit for all electrical goods.
- The list of electrical items must include the item name, model, make, serial number and year of purchase (not required for port of entry at Port Kelang).
- List of additional items include detailed information for books, VCDs, DVDs, CDs, etc. included in shipment
- The diplomatic letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes approximately 7-10 business days to obtain; check with agent regarding requirements to be included in the letter.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Original passport (1 copy)
- Original registration (1 copy)
- Proof of ownership
- Original insurance policy in country of origin proving use (1 copy)
- Letter from owner of the goods requesting permission to import a motor vehicle
Specific Information
- All motor vehicles imported attract high import duties and taxes.
- All documentation is required a minimum of 7 days prior to arrival of the vessel or 2 days prior to arrival of the flight to avoid incurring additional shipments (excludes diplomats).
- The process can take between 7 - 14 working days for the Ministry to issue the exemption letter.
- The owner of the goods must apply for 1 import permit per vehicle with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in Kuala Lumpur prior to import.
- The owner of the goods can only import a motor vehicle if approved.
- Import duties where the cost, insurance and freight (CIF) value is less than RM 20,000.00, is approximately 170% - 300% and subject to taxes of approximately 10% - 20%.
Documents Required
- Certificate of vaccination
- Veterinary health certificate
- Import permit
Specific Information
- To apply for an import permit the owner of the goods must provide rabies / vaccination given 2 weeks validity with documentation and a microchip, along with the owner of the goods’ passport and/or Malaysian ID (returning citizens), and their complete address.
- This takes a day and is valid for 30 days.
- West Malaysia and East Malaysia have completely different set of government regulations.
- Please check with destination agent in Malaysia for more specific information.
- All pets arriving after 10:00pm, will be charged for overtime cost at USD 80.00 flat rate
- No food will be provided while in quarantine, please make sure sufficient food is supplied at the quarantine.
- Attach food for the duration of quarantine; otherwise food will be given for a cost.
- Space must be reserved for quarantine in advance of arrival.
- The owner of the goods is allowed to visit the pet(s) at quarantine within office hours and on weekends upon special request to be made in advance.
- Every pet owner is allowed to import their own pets, as long as rabies / vaccination documentation is up to date.
- The veterinary health certificate must be issued 7 days prior to departure and state that the animal has been free from rabies during the preceding 6 months.
- Cats and dogs are subject to quarantine in West Malaysia, if they are imported from Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan or Sweden.
- Cats and dogs are subject to quarantine between 30 and 180 days inEast Malaysia.
- The government State Veterinarian Department will consider house quarantine after 30 days, subject to a formal application and approval during the first week of quarantine.
- Detailed information regarding the transport of animals must be provided to the destination airport prior to departure, including the type and number of pets.
Antiques, Artifacts, Carpets, Paintings
Documents Required
- Import permit
- Origin certificate
- Photograph of Item
- Valuation report
Specific Information
- Contact the destination agent in Malaysia for further instruction.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- Liquor, wine and tobacco (a special import permit is required and is difficult to obtain); these items are subject to high import duties and taxes.
- To import alcohol or tobacco a list must be supplied mentioning type of alcohol, quantity in ml or liter, country of origin, purchase value and percent of alcohol.
- The following items may qualify for free import if within the indicated limits:
- Cigarettes (200), tobacco (225 g)
- Alcohol (1 L)
- Books,VCD,DVD, CD, etc. (subject to censorship screening on arrival).
- A screening fee will be charged directly to the owner of the goods.
- Restricted pets include:
- Bull mastiff
- Bull terrier
- Doberman
- Rottweiler
- Belgian / German shepherds
- To import these pets requires a pedigree certificate and micro-chip.
- The government veterinary officer will inspect owner’s residence prior to approval for import permit.
Prohibited Items
- Narcotics (the death penalty is given for drug trafficking)
- Non-branded drugs
- Firearms, gas pistols, electric shock batons, stun guns (and similar weapons), ammunition and explosives (flares incorporating a barrel, etc.)
- Indecent or obscene video cassettes, DVDs, films, books, magazines and other articles
- Flick knives, butterfly knives and certain other offensive weapons, including some martial arts weapons
- Counterfeit currency
- Radio transmitters, walkie-talkies, citizen band radios, cordless telephones, etc. (an import permit is required)
- Meat and poultry; many other animal products; check with agent
- Plants and plant produce including trees and shrubs, potatoes and certain other vegetables, fruit, bulbs and seeds
- Animals and birds, whether alive or dead (egg. stuffed), parts and articles derived from protected species, including furs, skins, ivory, reptile leather and goods made from them
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.