Country Guide: Italy
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
- Copy of passport
- Original bill of lading (OBL) / air waybill (AWB)
- Copy of tax code number / Codice Fiscale from the Agenzia delle Entrate
- Packing list in English or Italian
- Diplomatic franchise / telepresso addressed to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issued by the owner of the goods’ diplomatic organization (Diplomats)
- Customs Dichiarazione Sostitutiva di Certificazione, completed and signed by owner of the goods
- Detailed inventory signed by owner of the goods, stamped and signed by Italian Consulate / Embassy at origin and attached to the Dichiarazione Consolare di Rimpatrio (citizens, EU nationals)
- Permit to stay released by the Questura Police Office (non-Diplomats)
- Copy of residence certificate / receipt from Italian City Hall stating the owner of the goods has requested residence registration (non-Diplomats)
- Original consular declaration / Dichiarazione Consolare di Rimpatrio released by the Italian Consulate / Embassy (Italian citizens)
Specific Information
- The Dichiarazione Sostitutiva di Certificazione must include the following information:
- Number of family members
- City of nationality
- Country of origin from which the owner of the goods is transferring residence
- Date of establishing residency in Italy
- The Consular Declaration / Dichiarazione Consolare di Rimpatrio must include the following information:
- Period of time the owner of the goods was a resident abroad (must be a minimum of 12 months)
- Names of family members and the date of the owner of the goods’ definitive return to Italy
- Packing list
- The authorization to import new furniture must be obtained for clearing Customs by paying duties and value added tax (VAT).
- For new furniture, duties are subject to change depending on the material of the furniture.
- VAT is 22% on the CIF value of the shipment.
- The owner of the goods has 6 months from the date of establishing residency in Italy to import the household goods shipment duty and tax free (non-Diplomat / national citizens of a non-EU Country).
- The owner of the goods has 1 year from the date of departure from the origin country to import the household goods shipment duty and tax free (citizens / EU nations).
- Diplomats can apply for the entry permit / franchise issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only after they have started working for the diplomatic organization in Italy.
- In order to avoid extra fees at the port / airport, transportation should be put on hold until given the green light by the destination agent in Italy.
- It is strongly recommended that Italian citizens obtain a consular certificate as soon as possible to expedite the Customs process (citizens / EU nationals).
- A detailed list including an accurate description of art pieces and antiques is required.
- A legalization of the list from the Italian Consulate at origin is advisable.
IAM Note: Inbound shipments cannot contain products that inhibit mold and humidity, including moisture absorbing bags. If these items are included in the shipment, they need to be declared and accompanied by analysis certificates identifying the composition of the products. The certificates must certify that the products do not contain dimethyl fumarate and be provided by an accredited UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 laboratory. A legalized translation into Italian may be required. This also applies to “anti-mold” bags often used in containers and lift vans to inhibit mold during transit.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Copy of passport
- Original title (in owner of the goods’ name)
- Technical data sheet issued by the manufacturer, car features and declaration of conformities with EU requirements.
- Original registration
- Proof of ownership of vehicle for more than 6 months
- Insurance valid for circulation in Italy
- Certificate of residence issued by Italian City Hall from the new city of residence / Consular documents for returning Italian Citizens (issued by the nearest Consulate in the Country of origin )
- Copy of diplomatic franchise / telespresso addressed to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued by the owner of the goods’ diplomatic organization in Italy (Diplomats)
Specific Information
- The certificate of residence must state that the owner of the car has been abroad more than 12 months and that vehicle was imported within 6 months of arrival.
- Shipments for non-Diplomats are admitted duty free only if the vehicle has been owned and operated for a minimum of 6 months and meets European requirements (non-Diplomats, citizens). If the requirements are not satisfied, the vehicle must be imported by paying a duty of 10% on the cost, insurance and freight value and value added tax (VAT) of 22% on the value of the shipment (citizens).
- From the date of the import clearance, the owner of the goods will have 6 months to obtain an Italian plate through the Dipartimento Della Motorizzazione Civile. If duty-free entry is not granted, vehicles may be imported with the payment of duty plus value added tax (VAT) (non-Diplomats).
- Diplomats should arrive in Italy at least 40 days prior to vehicle import to obtain the necessary documents for duty-free Customs clearance.
Documents Required
- Original international vaccination book
- Pet passport (with microchip number)
- Rabies vaccination certificate
- Veterinary health certificate in English or Italian
Specific Information
- Pets must be imported within the 10-day period of validity identified in the veterinary health certificate.
- Veterinary health certificate must be issued by competent authorities and be valid for 10 days.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- All audiovisual items such as televisions, radios, stereos, video-recorders, DVD players and personal computers are to be listed with serial number and trademark.
- Only audiovisual sets that are marked “CE” (European Commission) or purchased prior to January 1996 without bearing “CE” can enter Italy. Customs might inspect these items to check whether they meet requirements and proof of purchase may be required.
- Live plants require a Phytosanitary Certificate for import.
- The import of weapons must meet the following conditions:
- Weapons must be recorded in the National Catalogue of Weapons.
- Weapons without a serial number (applies to USA, Canada, Japan, and Australia) must be sent to the National Test Stand at Gardone Val Trompia (BS), where Customs will assign one to the weapon.
- Customs clearance generally takes 15-20 days for weapons with serial numbers and 2 -3 months for weapons requiring the assignment of a serial number.
- The owner of the goods must be present for the clearance process.
- An import license should be requested by the owner of the goods in their city of residence.
- Weapons should be shipped separately in cartons or crates easily reachable (i.e., near the door of container) indicating their location.
Prohibited Items
- Tobacco (in any form)
- Spirits and wine
- Food items
- Cigarettes and cigars
- Animal skins
- Non-prescribed medicines and drugs
- Cordless electronics, including walkie-talkies
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.