Country Guide: Estonia
Due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation and restrictions in various countries, the below information may not be accurate. This pandemic is a fluid situation. Check with authorities for local laws and restrictions concerning movements.

Updated: August 11, 2016
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Used Household Goods and Personal Effects
Documents Required
- Copy of passport
- Packing list
- Express bill of lading (OBL) / air waybill (AWB)
- Resident ID card / Estonian ID card
- Proof that the person as worked / lived outside EU for last 12 months
- Copy of working contract in Estonia
- Copy of Estonian lease agreement
- Copy of plane ticket (used for confirmation of arrival date to Estonia)
Specific Regulations
- It takes approximately 20–40 days to obtain a resident ID card / Estonian ID card.
- Relevant documents must be received by the agent prior to the arrival of the shipment to minimize port charges.
- New items (less than 6 months in the possession of the owner of the goods) are subject to import duties and taxes.
- Duty free import is allowed within 12 months after arrival to Estonia.
Motor Vehicles
Documents Required
- Original registration card / title
- Copy of passport
- Customs declaration form
- Car invoice (must show purchase price and date of purchase)
- Letter of employment
Specific Regulations
- Owner of the goods must obtain a Customs declaration and a Customs certificate in order to register the vehicle with the Estonian Motor Vehicle Registration Center (ARK).
- Vehicles must be presented for a pre-registration inspection to ARK prior to Customs clearance and registration.
- Duty free import is allowed if owner of the goods can present all documents specified.
- It is mandatory that a vehicle obtained outside of Estonia must be registered within 5 days of Customs clearance.
Documents Required
- Vaccination record
- Veterinary health certificate
Specific Regulations
- Pets may enter as accompanied baggage, in the cabin, or as cargo.
- Birds arriving from countries infected with Avian influenza cannot be imported.
- Certain breeds of dogs are prohibited from entry into Estonia
- Contact agent for specific information.
Restricted/Dutiable Items
- Firearms and ammunition (authorization from the territorial administration is required)
- Alcohol and spirits (should be sent separately from the personal effects shipment and are subject to 100% tax)
- Endangered species and any products or parts thereof as outlined by CITES (authorization from CITES is required)
- Hunting weapons (authorization from the Ministry of Interior is required)
Prohibited Items
- Unlawful drugs
- Narcotics
- Explosive materials
Consignment Instructions
Recommended: Contact the destination agent to ensure all requirements have been met prior to import, especially for differences regarding air / sea shipments.
Cultural and Other Information
CIA World FactbookIAM Note: Customs regulations can change at any time with or without notice. This document is provided as a guide and for information only. While IAM has exercised reasonable care in publishing this document, IAM makes no representation, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or applicability.